Our Team Leaders and Board Members.

Crystal Walker

Parent Mentor Program Manager



Crystal Walker is a Certified Recovery Mentor and a Peer Support Specialist. Prior to working in management, Crystal was a Parent Mentor for several years, working with moms to overcome their life struggles to become the women they were meant to be. Crystal was first introduced to Family Nurturing Center as a participant of the Parent Mentor Program, and made it a personal goal to give back to the community by supporting moms to get connected to Family Nurturing Center, as well as other community resources that promote lasting change.

Now, Crystal continues to strengthen the community by supporting our amazing team of mentors in the work they do to help moms and dads navigate the Child Welfare System, get connected to mental health treatment, drug and alcohol treatment, and any other services they may need or personal goals they may have for themselves and their family.

“I am motivated by my belief that change is possible and my story is proof that what FNC does for families, WORKS!”